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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

When in need

I was skimming through things in the news and I found two things that really caught my eye.

The first was a story about a wreck and how many came to their rescue, you can see the people rushing over without thinking of their own safety which should have been a concern but instinct to help took them over.

The other was a man that had been laid off and becoming desperate he decided to go out in 110 temps to stand on a corner and hand out his resume in the attempt to gain employment.

Someone took his resume and even though he didn’t fit the jobs she had, she decided to post it on social media and to their surprise he got thousands of job offers.

Everything in the news isn’t all bad, even though you may have to fish through to find the good.

When others see a REAL need they will come to help, so like the news all people are not bad. Their are those that want to help and will help given the chance.

I thought doing a post about these two things I ran across might give someone the encourage to seek help or bring the attention to those that have the power to help to seek those out that need it.

All my blessing to those in need and to those that do help others in this world.

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