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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

When Nighttime Comes

I sit on my porch after the sun has long since hidden itself beneath the horizon then out comes the moon and the sound of all the nocturnal creatures begin to roam.

It’s a warm fall night and while sitting there a sense of passion begins to stir within me.

I’m not sure why, but when the night comes with a warm yet cool breeze it does something to me, almost as if there is a lady of the night that visits me.

I think how awesome it would be to have someone that feels as I do, we can lay a blanket on the ground to stare at the moon together and when the mood begins to grow within us both we look into each other’s eyes and slowly begin to kiss.

As the passion grows we find ourselves naked among nature just as Adam and Eve must have been, with no concerns of who might be around.

Sex will surely happen but for now we only admire each other under the moonlight, as our hands and eyes roam each other’s bodies.

Love always has a measurement of sex within it, but the love we have for one another goes beyond simple pleasures.

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