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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

WordPress Community

We are writers, bloggers, story tellers and more but is there a way to become more of a Community?

Happy group

Some of us have become more than followers and friends some feel like a family we have around the world.

But is there a way we can make it better? I sometimes will do a post containing questions, or photos and wonder why we can’t do more than just comment and like.

Lets say I post a photo and a certain topic like NATURE and would like others to maybe add something they did that day with or without a short story.

Are we being held back from doing more or becoming more of a community that share, help, or maybe one day touch others with what WE as a community do in a days time.

I feel that as a great group people and the fact that our posts do get seen by so many we could do so much more and make not only our blogs but WordPress an entity that rivals any other site.

Is this to much?

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