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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Words with no sound

We may speak and the sound of our voices heard but the words not listened to.

I have found myself many times talking until I felt it was a waste.

I’m not sure why but when something is not agreed with or the person feels above the speaking person the words were spoken and may have even been nodded to but the second the words stopped they were forgotten.

If you don’t take the time to listen then the time spent in discussion was a farce.

Nothing gained by either party.

If you want me to listen and take you seriously then you must do the same.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a mate or boss, if there is to be communication then both parties have to respect the other.

The fact remains even with friends or coworkers. YOU are NOT the only one with something to say or the need to be heard.

So show the respect the other person deserves and LISTEN.

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