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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Writing Blogging or just sharing

Writing doesn’t mean it has to be a novel or some great piece of work.

Sometimes it’s just sharing a feeling or telling a little story about your day.

Find a place that makes you feel comfortable sit back and just start writing, it really isn’t has hard as you might think it is.

1 word leads to 2 and 2 to 5 and then the flow just begins without effort. If you come to a standstill then move or listen to a new song. Point is don’t make it into more than it really is.

Your readers really don’t mind if it’s awesome or just something that might make them start to think about what you wrote. so just do your best at doing nothing but penning or typing what ever your mind goes to.

If I had to say there was a rule to writing there would only be 1 (write)! every day sit down and write something good or bad but keep your mind open and write something.

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