Well, my adventure has officially begun, and I have to say I’m loving every minute of it!
I doubt I post photo after photo here, so if you would like to keep up with them and me then I’m posting links to my Facebook and Instagram pages here. https://www.facebook.com/james.ward.75286100?fref=nf&__tn__=%2Cdm-R-R&eid=ARCx-HhMoxm6sp2yt-yB5SOjwJW7hOLLOdlL9wXifrII22FJ0uTPhIJYnm93IODMt75h3LqFkQFIlnzR
Who knew sheep like Banana peels????
Tried feeding them a little grass, but that was totally ignored LOL.
NOT SHY at all and in fact a bit of a stage stealer, I was trying to get a photo of an endangered bird just a few feet away when this guy swoops in to take the spotlight.
Here is something I noticed in the background at a nearby beach.
I’m so glad I decided to come to NZ, it really is a wonderful place with more beauty than I ever imagined.