New Zealand is known for its beauty but, there are some little things to know if you ever decide to visit or move there.
New Zealand has a little different electricity than what some may be used to, it’s supplied with 230/240 volts (50 hertz) although most motels and hotels do supply 110 volts sockets (20 watts) for electric razors only, if you intend to use anything else a converter or adapter will be needed, take notice to the photo above, the sockets also have an on and off switch, which I still forget about at times.
This may be a little humorous to some, the toilets have two buttons on them so just in case you may wonder about this as I did, the little button is for small flushes and of course, the larger one is for a bigger flush.
New Zealand is also known for its recycling, now a lot of you may know all about this depending on where you may live but it was a little different than what I was used to. They have paper, cardboard, tin (or can) but then it starts getting a little deeper, when it comes to glass, they are separated into clear and colored, the colored glass can be different as well. The plastic is also separated by the different grades. Glass, plastic, and cans are rinsed thoroughly before being put into whatever container is being used.
New Zealand is a tropical place so there is a lot of rain, therefore a great deal of the citizens use tanks to collect the rain, this helps with the cost of the water supply, if rainwater is used then there has to be a filtration unit so the water can be purified. They may also have a freshwater supply like most of us are used to for drinking etc.
I’m not sure how many may know what these are, but they are compost bins. You make layers in the bins of say leaves, small sticks, vegetable leftovers, eggshells, etc. water is added to help breakdown everything that’s been put inside of the bins, once time as passed and the contents have been broken down then you can use the contents as your compost. Oh let’s not forget the seaweed that gets washed onto the beaches, this is great for being used as compost.
New Zealand is a wonderful place filled with beauty, and the citizens do all they can to keep it that way, so should you ever go there try to keep one thing in mind, leave things as you find them, if something is found on the beach, or road then do your part to help by throwing it in a trash (rubbish) bin.