There isn’t anything you can’t overcome!
Sometimes we all have times in our lives that we find hard or think what else can possibly happen and even then something else does happen and we start feeling there isn’t a way for it to end, but it can and will end, THE DAY YOU DECIDE TO MAKE THEM END.

Don’t be one of those that are so consumed by self-destruction that they not only hit rock bottom but can be put back on their feet time and time again only to wind up right back where they were.
When you feel like you have nothing left you must start looking inward and find where the problem really lies, it isn’t the people around you, the job you have, or the world around you.
It’s not that you are a bad person
Most of the time it’s the choices you’re making
Find the mistakes you’ve made and set your mind that you’re not going back down that same old road that leads to nowhere.

From the darkness, you can shine and even be a shooting star that everyone will look up to in amazement.
Let them see how you have come from nothing like the Phoenix and became so beautiful with nothing but greatness ahead.