I need to first say I’m SORRY! I know I haven’t been around nearly enough, but I have been doing what I’ve said so many times throughout my blog. I’ve taken back control of my life and where I want to be in it.
Some may think I’m starting a travel blog, I’m NOT, I have moved to New Zealand and for me, it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done in my life so, yes I’m writing about it and how it’s made my life so much happier, In the beginning, I was only thinking about coming here for a visit and to explore some opportunities that had come my way through my blog and my photography, but as I talked to people that I had met from here and was shown all the wonderful things this place has to offer so I decided to make it my home.
Those that know me best know that Humanity is one of my biggest loves, I have found that here while writing my blog and it led me to this place that is filled with humanity as well as more beauty than I’ve ever known, some also know that I’ve branched out to start writing in other fields outside of my blog. All of this and moving has taken a lot of my time so it may seem that I’ve forgotten about the ones that came here for me, I haven’t forgotten I’ve only been sidetracked, but I’m back now and that’s not going to change.
I’ve been meeting some pretty awesome people here and they have shown me how even though I’m not from here that we are all connected and can have peace if that’s what we really want, they always give me a smile and a greeting of good morning or good afternoon,
We can be hermits and have nothing to do with others or we can be outgoing and keep trying to spread Peace, Love, Honor, or just simple kindness, it’s really up to you. I’ve seen that you DO get what you give in life.