True Love can mean a lot of things for a lot of people, but for me it really has become a love for MY LIFE and everything as well as everyone that I allow to be in it.
I have met a lot of GREAT people since I’ve been writing and even more with my Photography.
I think what I’ve found is something that more people need to find in their own lives. The most important thing is LIFE itself!
Choose what you want to do with it and WHO you want in it, I made the word who stand out because that really does make all the difference in the world. The people you choose to let in your life molds how your life will become, people that love you for you and all of your faults as well as your good features. Lord KNOWS I’ve made a LOT of mistakes in my life and I’m sure I’ll make more, but the people I choose to be close to me I have no fear will support me and even be a crutch I can lean on during my lowest moments.
You don’t have to be well known or great in any way because those that are truly in your life for you, know you are GREAT in your own way and that’s all that really matters.
Find something that makes you happy in life and a place that your happy being in and allow others to make you the best YOU that could ever be.
That’s right it really isn’t what you do or have done that makes someone great it’s the people they have in their lives. You could have a million dollars, but without people in your life no one will ever even know your name or the person that you really have become.