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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

The Longest Day

Have you ever woken up tired and then the rest of the day just felt blah? That seems to be so much more common now. Since this pandemic stared it’s been lockdown and nothing much to do, unless you fancy cleaning your house every day, which I do not LOL.

I’m more of the outdoorsy kind of guy and love being surrounded by nature! Most of us have been told to stay home and really aren’t allowed to do much at all, I wish more places were doing the same, I don’t think some really understand just how serious this pandemic is or maybe they feel they are too young or strong to catch it, even if this were true they do need to understand that they can still pass it on and meaning to or not they could kill someone or many. As you can tell this has been on my mind for some time and really hasn’t played a helping hand in the way I’m feeling right now.

I guess being a family man and so far from them adds to this blah feeling but in any case, it’s just one more stone placed on the pile that feels like it’s crushing my chest at times. I’m one of those men that keeps those feelings to himself and tries to push forward daily, but at times it seems too much with being apart from family and the world is in such bad shape. I know it’s not up to me to fix everything, but I wish that I could.

I enjoy the simple things in life like the 30 mins it took to get this photo LOL. Watching this little bee travel from bloom to bloom was really enjoyable even though at times it became a little tedious keeping up with him.

When we take the time to slow down our lives and see nature it is simply amazing, and nothing is ever the same the next time we look at it. Nature like life changes but not from day to day, it changes from microsecond to microsecond so if you blink or turn away you could just miss something.

I’ll be glad when I can get back out among nature and spend the day taking in everything it has to offer if I’m lucky I could even meet one of you doing the same.

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